Hand #12: Money Bubble Bursts! Ryan Hareuther Eliminated by Phaly Nou

Apr 2, 2023

Ryan Hareuther Ryan Hareuther Ryan Hareuther
Photo:  Ryan Hareuther

In Hand #12 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Ryan Hareuther moves all in from the button for 11,000. Dan Kozakevich calls from the small blind, and Phaly Nou calls from the big blind.

Any further betting will create a side pot.

Both players check to the river on a board of Heart 9Diamond 9Club 4Spade 8Heart 8, and with two pair on the board, all three players show their cards. Ther

Phaly Nou:  Diamond AClub 10  (ace high)
Dan Kozakevich:  Spade KClub 7  (king high)
Ryan Hareuther:  Diamond QHeart 10  (queen high)

Nou wins the pot with the two pair on the board and his ace kicker to eliminate Hareuther on the Money Bubble in 75th place.

Phaly Nou  –  485,000  (61 bb)
Dan Kozakevich  –  85,000  (11 bb)
Ryan Hareuther  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

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