Hands #10-13: Another All In Chopped

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #10 – Howie Leung picks up the blinds and antes.

Hand #11 – Matthew Lapossie raises to 120,000 and he picks up the blinds and antes.

Hand #12 – Lapossies raises to 120,000 under the gun and Dylan Wilkerson defends his big blind. The flop brings [QdAsKs] and both players check.

On the turn the [5c] hits and the action gets checked again. On the river the [Qh] pops up and Wilkerson quickly snap-folds when Lapossies grabs chips.

Hand #13 – Spiro Mikrogianakis raises to 120,000 under the gun and Howie Leung moves all in. The actions folds back to the initial raiser who makes the call.

Mikrogianakis: [AsJh]
Leung: [Ad7s]

The board runs out [KsAc6d5c6h] and the pot is chopped.

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