Hand #141: Dylan Wilkerson Eliminated in 2nd Place (CAD $254,238); Matthew Lapossie Wins!

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #141 – Wilkerson opens by once more pushing all in for a little over 2 million and Lapossie calls.

Wilkerson: [4s][4h]
Lapossie: [As][5s]

Wilkerson hopes his small pair will hold, but the flop comes [Ac][6c][10h] to snatch the advantage away and give Lapossie the better pair. The turn is the [6s], leaving Wilkerson hoping for one of the two remaining fours in the deck. The dealer burns a card and turns over the river… the [2h]! Lapossie wins!

Back in just a few with a recap of today’s exciting finish to the WPT Fallsview Poker Classic.

Dylan Wilkerson – Eliminated in 2nd Place (CAD $254,238) 

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