Hands #132-133: Big Slick for Lapossie

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #132 – Dylan Wilkerson raises to 240,000 from the button and Matthew Lapossie calls. Both check the [9h][6d][3d] flop, the [As] turn, and the [Qc] river. Lapossie shows [Qc][2c] and wins with a pair of queens.

Hand #133 – Lapossie raises to 240,000 and Wilkerson calls. The flop comes [Qc][Kc][10h]. Wilkerson checks, Lapossie bets 275,000, and Wilkerson calls. The turn is the [8d]. Wilkerson checks again, and this time Lapossie bets 575,000 and Wilkerson calls once more.

The river is the [4h]. Wilkerson checks one more time, and Lapossie fires a bet of 1.375 million. Wilkerson thinks for some time before calling, and when Lapossie shows [As][Ks], Wilkerson folds.

Hand #134 – Wilkerson raises to 240,000 and Lapossie calls. The flop is [3d][10c][Qs]. Lapossie checks, Wilkerson bets 225,000, and Lapossie folds. 

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