Hand #53: Mikrogianakis Doubles Through Sauvageau

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #53 – Matthew Lapossie raises to 150,000 from under the gun, then Spiro Mikrogianakis reraises for 1,170,000 from a seat over. It folds to Josue Sauvageau who calls from the small blind, and both Dylan Wilkerson (big blind) and Lapossie get out of the way.

Sauvageau: [9s][9h]
Mikrogianakis: [Ac][Qs]

Sauvageau’s hand remains best through the [6s][4h][8s] flop and [Js] turn, but the [4s] falls on the river to complete a flush for Mikrogianakis who survives with a double-up.

Spiro Mikrogianakis – 2,450,000
Josue Sauvageau – 450,000 

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