Hands #8-9: All In and Chop

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #8 – Jason James raises to 120,000 from under the gun, Howie Leung reraises all in from a seat over, and James calls. James has [Ah][4h] and Lueng [Ad][7d], and after the board comes [6s][Qc][6h][8c][5s] they chop the pot.

Hand #9 – New chip leader Dylan Wilkerson raises to 120,000 from the cutoff seat and Jason James calls from the big blind. The flop comes [3d][Kh][6d], and James check-calls Wilkerson’s continuation bet fo 150,000. The turn then brings the [7c] and another check from James. Wilkerson bets 300,000 this time, and James folds. 

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