Hands #31-35: Mikrogianakis Pushes, Collects

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #31 – Dylan Wilkerson raises to 120,000 and Jason James calls from the big blind. Both check the [Kd][9c][As] flop, James check-calls Wilkerson’s bet of 175,000 after the [4d] turn, then both check the [10s] river. James shows [Ah][10d] and Wilkerson mucks.

Hand #32 – Spiro Mikrogianakis raises to 150,000 from the button and wins.

Hand #33 – James raises to 120,000 from the button, Wilkerson reraises to 310,000 from the big blnd, and James folds.

Hand #34 – Josue Sauvageau raises to 120,000 from the button, Matthew Lapossie reraises to 275,000 from the big blind, and Sauvageau.

Hand #35 – Sauvageau raises to 120,000 again, this time from the cutoff seat, Wilkerson calls from the button, Lapossie calls from the small blind, and Mikrogianakis calls from the big blind. The flop comes [4s][7d][3s]. It checks to Mikrogianakis who pushes all in for 930,000, and the others all fold. 

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