Hand #29: Peter Labib Eliminated in 8th Place (CAD $48,426)

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #29 – Peter Labib raises to 70,000 from the hijack seat and Matthew Lapossie calls from the small blind. The flop comes [6h][3s][7h]. Lapossie checks, Labib bets 120,000, and Lapossie check-raises to 285,000. Labib thinks a beat, then calls.

The turn is the [8h]. This time Lapossie leads for 285,000, and after pausing a short while Labib announces he’s pushing all in with the 700,000 or so he has left behind. Lapossie calls right away.

Labib turns over [Ah][3h] for an ace-high flush, but Lapossie has [10h][9h] for a straight flush! The meaningless [Qc] completes the board, and Labib is out in eighth.

Matthew Lapossie – 2,610,000
Peter Labib – Eliminated in 8th Place (CAD $48,426) 

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