Hands #10-12: Jacks For Labib and Sauvageau

Feb 24, 2014

Hand #10 – Spiro Mikrogianakis raises to 50,000 and Dave Graham calls from the big blind. The flop brings [5dTc4d] and Graham checks. Mikrogianakis bets 60,000 and Graham quickly makes the call.

The turn brings the [4c] and Graham decides to lead out for 80,000 and that is enough to take down this pot.

Hand #11 –Peter Labib raises from the button to 65,000 and Dave Graham calls from the small blind. The flop brings out [As2s7h] and both players check.

The turn brings the [9c] and Graham bets 60,000. Labib decides to raise it up to 120,000 and Graham calls right away.

On the river the [5s] and both players check and Graham shows [ThTd], but that’s no good against Labib’s [JsJd]. Labib takes this one down.

Hand #12 – Josue Sauvageau raises to 48,000 and Matthew Lapossie makes the call. The flop brings [Qs2c2h] and both players check. On the turn the [6s] hits and Lapossie bets 60,000 and Sauvaegeau calls.

On the river the [8c] hits and Lapossie bets another 135,000 and Sauvageau makes the call. Lapossie shows[3d3c] but that’s no good against Sauvageau’s [JcJd].

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