Hands #64-66: Reiji Kono Doubles Through Charlie Chiu

Mar 20, 2023

Reiji Kono

Hand #64: In the first hand back from the break, Charlie Chiu open-jams into two shorter stacks while on the button. Reiji Kono in the small blind calls for 1,900,000 and Sho Katsura folds.

Reiji Kono: Heart QClub Q
Charlie Chiu: Spade 3Club 3

The superior pair holds on the Heart KHeart 9Spade 6Spade AHeart 5 board and Kono doubles to pull nearly even with Chiu.

Hand #65: Matthieu Lamagnere raises to 325,000 and Bien Mai calls. Chiu three-bets to 1,050,000 and both opponents fold.

Hand #66: Lewis Cowell open-shoves for 800,000 and wins the blinds and big blind ante. “Hallelujah,” he jokes with a grin on the face, adding a few chips to his severe short stack.

Charlie Chiu – 5,000,000 (33 bb)
Reiji Kono – 4,000,000 (26 bb)
Lewis Cowell – 1,175,000 (8 bb)

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