Hands #55-57: Matthieu Lamagnere Pulls Further Ahead

Mar 20, 2023

Hand #55: Jose Catela raises to 250,000 and Reijo Kono calls in the big blind. On the Diamond 10Club 10Club 3 flop, Kono check-calls for 125,000. Both check down the Spade 3 turn and Diamond 6 river as Kono’s Diamond AClub 9 chops with the Spade AHeart Q of Catela.

Hand #56: Catela raises to 250,000 from under the gun, collecting the blinds and antes.

Hand #57: Matthieu Lamagnere raises to 250,000 first to act, picking up calls from Bien Mai and Catela out of the big blind. The trio checks the Heart 8Club 7Diamond 2 flop and Lamagnere bets the Heart J turn to take it down.

Matthieu Lamagnere – 8,800,000 (70 bb)
Bien Mai – 5,200,000 (41 bb)
Jose Catela – 3,000,000 (24 bb)
Reiji Kono – 1,550,000 (12 bb)

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