One Escape is Not Enough for Odni Gudmundsson

Mar 19, 2023

As the fifth table breaks and a pay jump is secured, Feng Ji Chua raises to 115,000 out of the small blind. Odni Gudmundsson has fewer than that behind in the big blind and both players inquire if there are just four tables left.

New players arrive and that’s when Gudmundsson calls all-in.

Odni Gudmundsson: Heart AHeart J
Feng Ji Chua: Spade 10Spade 8

Board: Diamond KDiamond 6Diamond 3Spade 7Club 4

Ace-jack high is enough for the Dane to survive but he busts shortly after on his new table.

Feng Ji Chua – 1,000,000 (40 bb)
Odni Gudmundsson – Eliminated in 32nd Place ($4,970)

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