Clement Van Driessche Felted by Hassaan Siddiq

Mar 19, 2023

Clement van Driessche raises to 30,000 in the cutoff and Hassaan Siddiq three-bets to 100,000 on the button. The Frenchman then pushes all-in for around 340,000 and Siddiq goes into a tank of some 30 seconds without asking for a count.

Siddiq then counts and van Driessche is stunned when the cards are revealed.

Clement van Driessche: Diamond JClub J
Hassaan Siddiq: Heart KClub K

The Heart QSpade 8Diamond 8Diamond 10Club 2 runout brings no help to van Driessche and he sighs “nice little slowroll there” while other players at the table also wonder for a couple of seconds what had just happened.

Hassaan Siddiq – 875,000 (57 bb)
Clement van Driessche – Eliminated

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