Chiraag Patel Cannot Stall Into a Pay Jump

Mar 19, 2023

Chiraag Patel raises to 42,000 with 20,000 behind with the big blind approaching in three hands. Ilya Firstov on the button moves all-in and already exposes his cards, expecting Patel to call swiftly. However, that is not the case and the floor is called.

With the Spade 10Club 10 of Firstov exposed, Patel uses his time bank extensions as the next pay jump is only two eliminations away. However, nobody else busts and Patel then calls, turning over the Club QClub 7.

The suited queen cannot connect with the Heart KHeart JDiamond 8Club 2Diamond 3 and Patel misses the pay jump.

Ilya Firstov – 400,000 (33 bb)
Chiraag Patel – Eliminated

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