Clement Van Driessche Eliminated by Ian Litster

Mar 17, 2023

A player raises to 2,300, Ian Litster calls from the button, and Clement Van Driessche moves all in from the big blind for about 39,000.

The first player folds, and Litster calls with Diamond 9Club 9. Van Driessche turns over Spade 7Diamond 7, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The flop comes Spade 9Spade 6Diamond 5, giving Litster a set of nines to Van Driessche’s gutshot straight draw.

The turn card is the Diamond 3, the river card is the Spade 3, and Litster wins the pot with a full house, nines full of threes, to eliminate Van Driessche from Day 1B.

Ian Litster  –  104,000  (87 bb)
Clement Van Driessche  –  Eliminated

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