Big Triple Up for Ankit Jajodia

Mar 16, 2023

Ankit Jajodia

Ankit Jajodia pushes all-in for 55,500 and Mei Son Ang goes all-in over the top from two seats over. Sombath Sok has both covered and jams from the button, which forces out Nikolay Ponomarenko in the big blind who exposes the Diamond JHeart J face-up.

Ankit Jajodia: Heart AHeart Q
Mei Son Ang: Heart 10Spade 10
Sombath Sok: Club KSpade K

The Diamond ADiamond 8Diamond 5Diamond 5Club 5 board ensures a triple up for Jajodia while Sok wins the side pot to knock out Ang. Soon after that, Hua Wei Lin loses the last few chips on the same table as the field plummets to 43 hopefuls.

Ankit Jajodia – 165,000
Sombath Sok – 165,000
Mei Son Ang – Eliminated
Hua Wei Lin – Eliminated

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