Hand #62: Anita Savage Eliminated in 5th Place (AUD $99,654)

Mar 6, 2023

Anita Savage
Photo:  Anita Savage

HAND #62  –  Anita Savage moves all in from the button for just 250,000, Sheng Ye calls from the small blind, and Josh Foster calls from the big blind. Any further betting will create a side pot.

Both players check to the turn on a board of Diamond QDiamond 10Diamond 7Spade 7, Ye bets 250,000, and Foster folds.

Ye shows Club QHeart 8 for two pair, queens and sevens, but Savage surprises everyone by turning over Spade KHeart K for a higher two pair. Savage needs to avoid a queen on the river to stay alive.

The river card is — the Heart Q!

Savage is from New Zealand, and she has been a crowd favorite the past couple of days. She started today as the short stack with 16 players remaining, but she’s outlasted 11 of them to make it to the final five.

The queen on the river draws a collective groan from the crowd as Ye wins the pot with a full house, queens full of sevens, to eliminate Savage in fifth place.

Sheng Ye  –  18,800,000  (94 bb)
Anita Savage  –  Eliminated in 5th Place  (AUD $99,654 / ~US $67,466)

Anita Savage
Photo:  The Moment Before the River Card

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