Hands #60-65: Fabrice Bigot Reaches 14 Million in Chips

Feb 5, 2023

HAND #60  –  Fabrice Bigot raises from the hijack to 425,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #61  –  Fabrice Bigot raises under the gun to 425,000, and Antoine Labat calls from the big blind. The flop comes Club ADiamond JClub 7, Labat checks, Bigot bets 300,000, and Labat folds. Bigot takes the pot.

Fabrice Bigot  –  9,600,000  (48 bb)

HAND #62  –  Antoine Labat limps from the button for 200,000, Fabrice Bigot raises from the big blind, and Labat folds. Bigot takes the pot.

HAND #63  –  Sabare Atmani raises under the gun to 400,000, Antoine Labat moves all in from the cutoff for about 2,900,000, and Atmani folds. Labat takes the pot.

HAND #64  –  Fabrice Bigot raises from the button to 450,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #65  –  Fabrice Bigot raises from the hijack to 425,000, Sabare Atmani calls from the small blind, and Manuel Coimbra calls from the big blind. All three players check to the turn on a board of Club 6Spade 3Diamond 2Diamond 4, and Atmani bets 600,000. Coimbra folds, and Bigot calls.

The river card is the Club K, Atmani bets 1,600,000, and Bigot calls with Spade ASpade 4 for a pair of fours. Atmani mucks, and Bigot wins the pot.

Fabrice Bigot  –  14,000,000  (70 bb)
Sabare Atmani  –  6,400,000  (32 bb)

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