Ramdhane Sabri Ben Maamar Eliminated by Regis Normand

Feb 2, 2023

Ramdhane Sabri Ben Maamar moves all in from UTG+1 for 800, Regis Normand raises from the hijack to 2,500, and the player in the big blind calls.

The flop comes Spade 6Diamond 5Diamond 3, the big blind checks, Normand bets 3,500, and the big blind folds. Normand takes the side pot.

For the main pot, Maamar shows Club ASpade Q for ace high, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Normand’s Spade 4Club 4.

The turn card is the Diamond J, the river card is the Diamond 6, and the pocket fours hold up for Normand to win the pot and eliminate Maamar from this flight.

Ramdhane Sabri Ben Maamar  –  Eliminated

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