Guillaume Bertin vs. Erwan Lohezic

Jan 31, 2023

Erwan Lohezic and Guillaume Bertin
Photo:  Erwan Lohezic (left) and Guillaume Bertin

On a flop reading Club KHeart JHeart 4 Erwan Lohezic bets 5,200 into a pot of around 8,000. Guillaume Bertin calls from under the gun. 

The turn brings the Heart 2, Lohezic checks and Bertin bets 4,500. Lohezic calls.

The river brings the Spade K, Lohezic checks again and Bertin bets 5,000. Lohezic considers for a moment, as it is a good amount of his remaining stack.

Lohezic eventually decides to fold Club ADiamond A face up. Bertin tables Heart AX X showing Lohezic that he made a good fold.

Guillaume Bertin  –  44,000 (147 bb)
Erwan Lohezic  –  12,000 (40 bb)

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