Matt Glantz Doubles Thru Bryan Green

Apr 14, 2014

Matt Glantz raises under the gun to 35,000, and Bryan Green calls from the big blind.

The flop comes J-8-2 with two hearts and one diamond. Green checks, Glantz bets 30,000, and Green check-raises to 115,000. Glantz reraises to 205,000, and Green moves all in.

Glantz calls all in for 468,000 with J-J for a set of jacks, and Green turns over [Qd8d] for a pair of eights.

The turn and river blank out with a K and a 5, and Glantz wins the pot with his set of jacks to double thru Green.

Matt Glantz  –  1,040,000  (65 bb)
Bryan Green  –  650,000  (40 bb)

The details on this hand were provided by Matt Glantz.

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