Yuan Hsu Lee Eliminated in 4th Place (TWD1,585,300/$50,876)

Nov 21, 2022

Yuan Hsu Lee pushes all-in three times in quick succession. In the final attempt, he has 2,120,000 at his disposal as the first player to act and Marc Inizan on the button asks for a count before making the call.

Yuan Hsu Lee: Diamond AHeart 10
Marc Inizan: Club AHeart J

The local rail is cheering for Lee but the Spade KSpade JHeart 4Diamond JSpade 3 board gives Inizan trips jacks in the final hand of the level, knocking out Lee in fourth place and further increasing his devastating lead.

Marc Inizan – 17,400,000 (139 bb)
Yuan Hsu Lee – Eliminated in 4th Place (TWD1,585,300/$50,876)

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