More for Marc Inizan and Yao Wei Huang

Nov 20, 2022

Yuan Hsu Lee raises to 120,000 and then folds when Marc Inizan three-bets to 325,000 in the cutoff, flashing aces after taking down the pot.

Yao Wei Huang then raises to 120,000 in the cutoff and Chih Feng Li calls on the button. On the Diamond QSpade JSpade 6 flop, Huang bets 100,000 and receives a call. They check down the Spade KHeart 7 on turn and river as Huang wins the pot with the Club KHeart 9.

Marc Inizan – 6,000,000 (100 bb)
Yao Wei Huang – 2,700,000 (45 bb)
Chih Feng Li – 3,750,000 (63 bb)

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