Bradley Ritschel Gets Short; Busts to Chi Ying Tsai

Nov 20, 2022

Bradley Ritschel

Bradley Ritschel raises to 50,000 and Chieh Shan Yang calls on the button. On the Spade JSpade 4Diamond 3 flop, Ritschel continues for 80,000 to pick up a call and checks the Club 6 turn. Yang bets 150,000 and Ritschel folds.

One hand later, the American open-shoves for the last 255,000 and Chi Ying Tsai calls.

Bradley Ritschel: Heart KClub J
Chi Ying Tsai: Spade AClub Q

Following a board of Heart AClub 5Diamond 3Spade 7Spade J, Ritschel is drawing dead on the turn and has to settle for 26th place.

Chieh Shan Yang – 1,600,000
Chi Ying Tsai – 1,325,000
Bradley Ritschel – Eliminated in 26th Place

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