Kabaki Runs Into Bilodeau's Aces

Nov 18, 2022

Marie Kabaki

Marie Kabaki raiuses to 6,000 and Louis Bilodeau three-bets to 15,000 on the button. It folds back to Kabaki and she jams for more than 110,000 only to get snap-called.

Marie Kabaki: Spade 10Club 10
Louis Bilodeau: Heart AClub A

The French-Canadian, based in Japan for more than a decade, has the best of it again with the rockets. Nothing changes on the Spade KSpade JDiamond 6Diamond 4Spade 8 board and Kabaki is eliminated while Bilodeau takes the lead.

Louis Bilodeau – 426,500
Marie Kabaki – Eliminated

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