Bilodeau Goes for the Kil

Nov 18, 2022

Kil Hyun Jo

Kil Hyun Jo raises to 7,500 in the cutoff and Louis Bilodeau three-bets out of the big blind. Quickly thereafter, Jo pushes all-in for what appears to be more than 110,000 and Bilodeau snap-calls.

Kil Hyun Jo: Heart KHeart Q
Louis Bilodeau: Diamond AHeart A

The Diamond QDiamond JDiamond 6 flop gives Jo some outs with the top pair while Bilodeau has diamonds covered. More equity appears with the Heart 9 turn but Jo bricks the Heart 7 river.

Bilodeau joins the big stacks and appears to be only trailing Punnat Punsri, who knocks out an opponent with Spade JDiamond J on an ace-queen high board.

Punnat Punsri – 255,000
Louis Bilodeau – 238,000
Kil Hyun Jo – Eliminated

Louis Bilodeau

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