Hand #118: Steve Buckner Doubles Thru Michael Gathy

Oct 23, 2022

Steve Buckner
Photo:  Steve Buckner

HAND #118  –  Steve Buckner moves all in from the button for 1,825,000, and Michael Gathy calls from the small blind with Diamond AClub J.

Buckner turns over Heart QDiamond J, and he’s dominated as he faces elimination.

Buckner calls out for a queen, but the flop comes Heart ADiamond 8Heart 6, giving Gathy a huge lead with a pair of aces. But the ace doesn’t register for Buckner in the moment, and he continues to call for a queen.

The turn card is the Club K, and Buckner picks up a gutshot straight draw. Buckner needs to catch a ten on the river to stay alive.

The river card is — the Club 10!

Buckner catches a runner-runner ace-high straight to stay alive, win the pot, and double up in chips.

Steve Buckner  –  3,900,000  (31 bb)
Michael Gathy  –  10,775,000  (86 bb)

Steve Buckner
Photo:  Steve Buckner celebrates the ten on the river that gives him a straight to stay alive.

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