Justin Bonomo Eliminated in 18th Place by Long Tran

Oct 22, 2022

Justin BonomoPhoto:  Justin Bonomo

Michael Gathy raises to 55,000 from under the gun, Justin Bonomo three-bets to about 290,000 from the hijack (leaving 5,000 behind), Long Tran calls in the small blind, and Gathy folds.

The flop is Heart KClub 10Diamond 10, Tran bets, and Bonomo calls all in.

Bonomo:  Diamond ASpade K
Tran:  Heart ADiamond Q

The Spade A turn and Spade J river complete the board, giving Tran an ace-high straight on the river to eliminate Bonomo.

Long Tran  –  1,425,000  (57 bb)
Justin Bonomo  –  Eliminated in 18th Place  ($44,700)

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