Hand #55: Emanuel Seal Eliminated in 8th Place (AUD $80,080)

Sep 26, 2022

Emanuel Seal and De Kun Li
Photo:  Emanuel Seal (left) and De Kun Li (center)

HAND #55  –  Emanuel Seal moves all in from the button for 945,000, and De Kun Li calls from the small blind with Spade AHeart J.

Seal turns over Club AHeart 10, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade 7Club 6Spade 4Diamond 4Spade 3, and Li wins the pot with his jack kicker to eliminate Seal in eighth place.

De Kun Li  –  3,900,000  (52 bb)
Emanuel Seal  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  (AUD $80,080)

Emanuel Seal and De Kun Li
Photo:  Emanuel Seal (standing, center-left) and De Kun Li (seated, center-right)

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