Abraham Serrano Picks Up an Early Pot

Sep 17, 2022

Abraham Serrano2022 WPT Prime Madrid-3704
Photo – Abraham Serrano

Action folds to the player in middle position, and he opens to 500. Abraham Serrano is in the cutoff and calls. Sam Ju is on the button and calls as well. The big blind calls, and we go four ways to a flop.

The flop falls Heart QSpade 3Club 2 and action checks to Serrano who bets 1,200. All three opponents call.

The turn Heart A and the river Club J hit the felt and action checks through on both streets.

The big blind mucks his hand, and the original raiser tables Diamond 9Spade 9 for a pair of nines but Serrano tables Spade JDiamond 10 for a rivered pair of jacks, and when Ju mucks his hand Serrano takes down the early pot.

Abraham Serrano – 41,500 (208 bb)
Sam Ju – 22,500 (113 bb)

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