Rehman Kassam Sends a Stack in Each Direction

Sep 15, 2022

Upon arrival at the table, three players appear to be turning over their hands. Pier Perazzi is the smallest stack of 12,000 and Chris Barton has just above with his 17,300 in chips. Rehman Kassam has the covering stack and the strongest hand once the cards hit the table.

Pier Perazzi: Club 9Spade 3
Chris Barton: Heart 8Heart 7
Rehman Kassam: Club AHeart K

The dealer rolls out Spade QDiamond 9Heart 2Diamond 8Club J on the felt, hitting both of the at-risk stacks with a pair to survive. Each pull some chips from Kassam, with Perazzi finding himself a full triple in the process.

Pier Perazzi – 38,200 (48 bb)
Chris Barton – 10,600 (13 bb)
Rehman Kassam – 81,000 (101 bb)

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