Kevin Gimble Spikes a Queen on the River to Win a Big Pot Against Beth Hall

Aug 27, 2022

Kevin Gimble
Photo:  Kevin Gimble

After a flop of Spade AHeart ADiamond 9, Kevin Gimble checks the small blind, and Beth Hall checks from UTG.

The turn card is the Heart 8, Gimble checks, Hall bets 10,000, and Gimble calls.

The river card is the Club Q, Gimble checks, Hall bets 13,000, and Gimble calls. Hall shows Diamond AClub K for trip aces, but Gimble turns over Spade QHeart Q to win the pot with a rivered full house, queens full of aces.

Kevin Gimble  –  103,000  (343 bb)
Beth Hall  –  27,000  (90 bb)

After losing to a bad beat on the river, Hall stepped away from the table for a few moments, and when she returned, she smiled and said, “I am not going to say ‘nice hand.'”

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