Ankit Jajodia Eliminated in 7th Place ($27,510)

Aug 22, 2022

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David Erquiaga raises to 275,000 in the cutoff and Ankit Jajodia then pushes all-in for what appears to be 2,700,000 in the small blind. Erquiaga quickly double-checks his cards once more and then instantly calls.

Ankit Jajodia: Diamond ASpade Q
David Erquiaga: Heart KDiamond K

Jajodia gains some more equity with the Diamond QClub 10Heart 8 flop but no further help appears on the Heart 3 turn. Erquiaga asks for a diamond and while his wish isn’t granted, the Heart J river is no threat either.

Jajodia exits in seventh place and Erquiaga leaps into second place.

David Erquiaga – 6,000,000 (48 bb)
Ankit Jajodia – Eliminated in 7th Place ($27,510)

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