Pradeep Sharma Eliminated in 14th Place ($10,830)

Aug 21, 2022

Pradeep Sharmaā€¯ width= Pradeep Sharma

From under the gun, Pradeep Sharma pushes all-in for the last 500,000, exactly ten big blinds. Marcelo Bregoli just calls in the cutoff and the trio behind folds.

Pradeep Sharma: Spade ADiamond K
Marcelo Bregoli: Diamond AHeart A

The rail from India shouts for plenty of kings but none of them shows up on the Spade 7Club 5Diamond 4Heart 6Heart Q board to reduce the field to the last 13 hopefuls.

Marcelo Bregoli – 1,550,000 (34 bb)
Pradeep Sharma – Eliminated in 14th Place ($10,830)

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