Nicky Nikan Eliminated in 15th Place ($39,800)

Mar 13, 2014

Nicky Nikan
Nicky Nikan (pictured) raises to 45,000 preflop under the gun and Steve Sung reraises to 90,000 on the small blind. Nikan shoves for 498,000 total and Sung calls. The two players then reveal their cards,

Sung:  [AsKh]
Nikan:  [KsJd]

Board:  [AcQc5s2hQd]

Nikan is eliminated on the hand in 15th place and Sung is among the chip leaders with more than 3 million.

Steve Sung  –  3,140,000  (157 bb)
Nicky Nikan –  Eliminated in 15th Place  ($39,800)

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