Dzmitry Halubitski Crushed by Rayhaan Adam

Aug 21, 2022

Dzmitry Halubitski” width= Dzmitry Halubitski

Dzmitry Halubitski had burst the money bubble on Day 1c but Day 2 has not been kind to him. In the latest all-in showdown, he is ahead against Rayhaan Adam only to see his hopes vanish in unfortunate fashion.

The Belorussian has an overpair on the Club 10Spade 7Diamond 4 flop with the Heart QSpade Q while Adam holds top pair with the Spade 10Diamond 8. However, the Heart 10 turn propels Adam into the lead which he then retains on the Club 6 river. 

Rayhaan Adam – 830,000
Dzmitry Halubitski – Eliminated

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