Kelvin Chua "Just Can't Win" But Binks Three-Way All-In

Aug 20, 2022

Kelvin Chua involuntarily moved tables by investing in a re-entry and is just very excited when he comes out on top of a three-way all-in.

On a flop of Spade 10Spade 8Spade 7, his Spade ASpade Q represents the nut flush and he is up against Spade KSpade 5 and Club 10Spade 9. One of the opponents actually has outs to a straight flush but two blanks follow on the Heart 6 turn and Club 9 river.

“Fuck yes,” Tan says with a big smile on the face before recalling “I just can’t win” when referring to his previous table.

Kelvin Chua – 75,000

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