Shooting Star Ludovic Lacay Eliminated by Chad Eveslage

Mar 12, 2014

Ludovic Lacay 2
Shooting Star Ludovic Lacay moves all in from the hijack for 33,300, Chad Eveslage moves all in from the cutoff for 120,000, and everyone else folds.

Lacay shows [Ah7c], but Eveslage turns over [AsQd]. Lacay needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [10h8d6s4s4h] — Lacay flops a gutshot straight draw, and turns a double-gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Eveslage wins the pot with his queen kicker to eliminate Lacay from the tournament.

For busting a Shooting Star, Eveslage earns $2,500, a bounty medallion, and an autographed bounty t-shirt.

Chad Eveslage  –  148,000  (74 bb)
Ludovic Lacay  –  Eliminated

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