Derrick Rosenbarger vs. Ronit Chamani

Mar 12, 2014

Champions Club member Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 2,400 from UTG+2, Ronit Chamani calls from middle position, and the player in the big blind calls to see a [KdQd7c] flop.

Action checks to Rosenbarger who continutes for 5,300. Only Chamani calls to see the [Ts] turn which both players check. The [Js] river completes the board and Rosenbarger checks to Chamani who bets 7,500. After a short while in the tank, Rosenbarger calls.

Chamani tables [AdQs] for an ace-high straight, Rosenbarger mucks, and Chamani wins the pot.

Ronit Chamani – 91,000 (75 bb)
Derrick Rosenbarger – (25 bb)

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