Khac-Trung Tran Snags One from Mark Staples

Jun 19, 2022

Khac-Trung Tran opens to 100,000 from under the gun, Mark Staples defends his big blind, and the dealer fans out Club 10Spade 4Spade 2 on the flop.

Staples leads for 100,000, getting instantly raised to 300,000 by Tran. Staples calls and the Diamond 3 rolls over.

A check by Staples is met with a shove by Tran, totaling 330,000. Staples slams in a stack, turning over Spade KSpade 7 for a flush draw. Tran shows Heart KDiamond K for the hand-leading pair of cowboys.

The river bricks out with a Club 2, shipping a double to Tran after he faded the spades of Staples.

Khac-Trung Tran – 1,525,000 (31 bb)
Mark Staples – 2,300,000 (46 bb)

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