Danny Ayoub Eliminated in 17th Place by Yang Lei

Jun 19, 2022

Danny AyoubJustin Bernstein opens to 80,000 from the hijack and Danny Ayoub shoves for a total of 555,000 in the cutoff. Yang Lei cold-shoves over the top, totaling 900,000, and Ankit Dahiya elects to call in the big blind. Bernstein chucks his cards and the three turn over their hands.

Danny Ayoub: Heart 4Diamond 4
Yang Lei: Spade KHeart K
Ankit Dahiya: Spade 8Club 8

The dealer fans out Spade JHeart 9Spade 2Diamond 3Diamond J on the felt, cementing the pot for Lei who takes down both pots. Ayoub is eliminated in 17th and the event is now down to the final two tables.

Yang Lei – 2,475,000 (62 bb)
Ankit Dahiya – 680,000 (17 bb)
Danny Ayoub – Eliminated in 17th Place

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