Mark Fester Shoves Strong, Yang Lei Snaps

Jun 18, 2022

A raise of 3,200 comes from a middle position player and Mark Fester calls in the cutoff. Yang Lei completes as well from the big blind and the dealer spreads Spade QClub JSpade 5 out on the felt.

Fester bets around 4,400 when action checks to him and only Lei check-calls to see the Diamond A turn. Lei taps once more, Fester bets 9,500, and Lei calls.

The board completes with a Club 6 and Fester jams for roughly 24,000. Lei double-checks his cards and then tosses in a stack of chips to call. 

Fester turns over Heart AHeart J for two pair but Lei shows Heart KSpade 10 and takes down the hand with his straight, eliminating Fester.

Yang Lei – 148,000 (123 bb)
Mark Fester – Eliminated

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