Ashish Munot Doubles Through Zarvan Tumboli

May 30, 2022

Ashish Munot ” width= Ashish Munot

Ashish Munot raises to 300,000 and then calls all-in for 2.6 million when Zarvan Tumboli pushes all-in from the big blind.

Ashish Munot: Diamond ASpade 9
Zarvan Tumboli: Club JClub 10

The board runs out Diamond KDiamond 6Diamond 5Spade 3Spade 2 and since both miss, the ace-high wins and secures the double for Munot.

Ashish Munot – 5,325,000 (43 bb)
Zarvan Tumboli – 18,000,000 (144 bb)

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