Robert Tepper Eliminated by Eddy Sabat

Mar 2, 2014

Eddy Sabat raises to 1,500 from under the gun and Robert Tepper three-bets to 3,700 from middle position. Action folds back to Sabat who calls to see a [9h7c2s] flop.

Sabat check-calls 6,100 from Tepper to see the [Ts] turn, which both players check. The [5s] river completes the board and Sabat bets 15,200. Tepper moves all in for 20,550, Sabat calls, and Tepper tables [AsAd].

Sabat, though, turns over [9s8s] for a flush to score the elimination.

Eddy Sabat – 70,000 (140 bb)
Robert Tepper – Eliminated

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