Luong Thanh Dang rails Thibaut Blondel with six-high

May 28, 2022

Five way pot with short stacked Thibaut Blondel all in from the small blind. The flop runs Club JHeart 7Diamond 3, big blind Luong Thanh Dang bets 3,000, under the gun Jin Yong calls, the rest fold. On the turn Heart 10, both players check and the river comes [pc]8c[/pc]. Dang bets 13,000, Yong tank folds.

Luong Thanh Dang Heart 6Heart 4
Thibaut Blondel Club 5Club 4 

Six high wins it and Blondel is eliminated. Dang also wins the next hand. From the small blind he calls a 2,200 raise by cutoff player. Both players check the flop Heart QSpade 8Spade 10, the turn Spade A sees a 3,000 bet that’s check-called by Dang. On the river Club 2 no bets arrive. Dang wins it with Club QClub 10 two pair. 

Luong Thanh Dang – 75,300

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