Ladies give Maaku Tanaka a full charge

May 27, 2022

Maaku Tanakaā€¯ width= Maaku Tanaka

Anh Duy Pham limps in from under the gun, beside him WPTDS Hanoi champion Phinh Van Nguyen raises to 17,000, down the orbit Japan’s Maaku Tanaka goes all in for 60,000 and is fast called by Viet Van Nguyen on the big blind. Action moves to the limper Anh who folds and Nguyen folds as well.

Maaku Tanaka Spade QDiamond Q
Viet Van Nguyen Diamond 8Club 8

No bad beat on the board for a double up to Tanaka.

Maaku Tanaka – 147,000
Viet Van Nguyen – 100,000

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