Mike Shklover Doubles Thru Greg Merson

Apr 21, 2014

Greg Merson raises to 1,200 from under the gun, Thomas Winters calls from middle position, Mike Shklover calls on the button, and Jean Gaspard calls from the small blind.

The flop falls [Qh7c5h] and Gaspard checks to Merson who bets 2,800. Winter folds, both Shklover and Gaspard call, and the [Tc] turns. Gaspard leads out 6,500 and both Merson and Shklover call to see the [8c] river, which Gaspard checks. Merson bets 16,000, Shklover calls all in for 12,300, and Gaspard folds.

Shklover turns over [Ac5c] for the nut flush, Merson mucks, and Shklover collects the pot.

Mike Shklover – 58,000 (145 bb)
Greg Merson – 27,000 (67 bb)

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