Vu Duc Trung goes pound for pound with Dao Minh Phu

May 26, 2022

Vu Duc Trung raises 2,200 from under the gun and finds four players to the flop  Heart 9Heart 4Diamond 4. Three checks then Dao Minh Phu test bets 3,100 and only Trung calls. The turn [ Heart 8, Trung checks again, Phu fires 8,000, and wins the pot on a fold from Trung. Phu shows his  Club QSpade J bluff.

The next hand, both are at it again. Phu triple barrels Diamond QHeart 10Heart ASpade 5Heart K and Trung calls the flop and turn then shoves on the river.  ]Phu gives up his stake on the pot. 

Vu Duc Trung – 160,000
Dao Minh Phu – 47,000

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