Rachel Delatorre Makes a Great Laydown as Travis Fujisaka Knocks Out a Player

Apr 30, 2022

Rachel Delatorre, Travis Fujisaka
Photo:  Rachel Delatorre (center) watches as Travis Fujisaka (right) eliminates the player on the button (left).

Travis Fujisaka raises under the gun to 15,000, the player on the button moves all in for about 78,000, and Rachel Delatorre tanks for a long time in the big blind before she folds.

Fujisaka quickly calls with Spade QDiamond Q, and the button turns over Spade AHeart 10, needing to improve to stay alive. (Delatorre says she folded pocket jacks.)

The board comes Heart 8Diamond 4Spade 3Diamond 3Diamond 10, and the pocket queens hold up for Fujisaka to win the pot and eliminate his opponent from the tournament.

Travis Fujisaka  –  190,000  (38 bb)
Rachel Delatorre  –  85,000  (17 bb)

After the hand, Fujisaka tells Delatorre that he figured she had ace-king, and was really hoping she would fold.

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