Ryan D'Angelo Doubles Thru and Cripples Chris O'Rourke

Apr 25, 2014

Ryan D'Angelo_WPT World Championship_S12_Giron_8JG5346
With the board showing [Ad10s6c3d] on the turn, Ryan D’Angelo (pictured) is all in for 448,000 with [10d10h] for a set of tens. Chris O’Rourke has him covered, but his [AsKs] (pair of aces) is already drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the [6s], and D’Angelo wins the pot with a full house, tens full of sixes, to double up in chips.

Ryan D’Angelo  –  1,210,000  (60 bb)
Chris O’Rourke  –  113,000  (5 bb)

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